July 4th Traditions & fotos

parade preparedness with Sara & Asa

We were spoiled with a five day weekend and three day work week last week and I wish that happened more often during the summer. We spent the weekend with family and friends and on the Fourth enjoying our favorite July 4th tradition up in my parents neighborhood.

When I was 15 we moved up to the neighborhood and since then have participated in the parade that takes place the morning of the Fourth. Kids decorate bikes and trikes and dress up their dogs and sometimes goats too. The route is lead by Engine Number 9 from the Portland Fire Department and is completed after two laps of two blocks. There is a potluck immediately following the parade where we get to catch up with the old neighbors. 



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crafty mom

This year Mike and Mario participated in the parade and I pulled together some decor about 30 minutes before we were headed up to start the parade. I opted for protest inspired signs with one that had the peace symbol and the other that read ‘feliz cumple America’.


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the firefighters love the photo op
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potluck on the curb

Throughout the day we relaxed with friends and actually snuck away to enjoy lunch at one of our favorite low key spots- Pollo Norte for their rotisserie chicken, frijoles and Mexican slaw.

The highlight though was Mario’s pure joy while witnessing the wimpy but cute firework show my uncle pulled together in front of my parents house. And of course the sparklers were a huge hit.

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sparkler magic

xx Ly


Comments are great! Would love to hear what you think! xx Ly