15 weeks a madre

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I missed 13 weeks a madre while on vacation in Mexico the other week and now I am a week late to my 15 weeks a madre post. I knew from the start that these posts were not always going to be very consistent, and here I am skipping weeks and late posting. Must mean I am having a full and happy life right? I have also missed two or three of Mo’s #fotoswithfrenchie, whoops! As can be assumed he is growing and changing just like all other babies. He smiles all the time, loves looking at faces and does his best at talking to us with lots of nonsense coming out of that little mouth of his.

Since my last xx weeks a madre post he has taken two trips on the airplane. First to Mexico for vacation and then over the weekend to the mid west for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. It was a quick trip just for the weekend filled with action. Both of my parents are from the same town in Indiana so there were lots of family members to see and for Mario to meet for the first time. It was very sweet seeing my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins cuddle, hug and kiss this little guy.

The main attraction of course was the 60th anniversary party. The entire family got dressed up to dine and dance the night away in honor of my grandparents and their solid relationship. I was struck by how everyone in that room was there because of them, truly. Their offspring had gone and created their own little families who had created their own families and because of the union of these two people and the 60 years they had been together made it possible for me to be here and a part of the action.

My uncle put together a 12 minute video slideshow reminiscing the past 60 years and how the family has evolved and grown. 10 years ago when we celebrated the 50th anniversary we were all well, 10 years younger. Some of us not yet high school graduates or not married, not with children. And this time around we had a whole new generation with us. New members of our family joined us to celebrate this wonderful milestone. I often think about how just two people can randomly meet and get together and from their union blossoms generations upon generations. My sentimentality of course got the best of me and I could not help but think about in 58 years when Mike and I could presumably be celebrating our 60th wedding anniversary and the group of people that would join us. Friends, neighbors, cousins, children, grand children and great grandchildren. It is pretty amazing to think about.

So with that, my 15 weeks a madre post this time around focuses on the great and lasting relationships of family. I have always held a strong importance for my family in my life. Coming from a big family your nearest and dearest are your brothers, sisters and cousins. I am so proud and happy to have Mo get to experience all of the love, laughter and joy that our entire extended family has to offer.

xx Ly

2 thoughts on “15 weeks a madre

  1. So great seeing you! It was such a wonderful party and it was great seeing Nana fawn over Mo. Can’t wait to see you all again soon! Hopefully over the holidays or maybe a Portland summer! XOXOX A.


Comments are great! Would love to hear what you think! xx Ly