
I remember a week or two after Mo being born some girlfriends asked me if there was anything I needed. They were so sweet to ask this, they wanted to support us and make sure we were taken care of. Asking what they could get for us, more diapers or toys or nipple cream. Anything I needed they wanted to get it for us. Sadly the one thing that I needed and wanted the most they could not give me, no one could give me.

You see, the very first thing that came to mind and would have been the most helpful was an extra arm coming straight out of my belly button.

Bizarre, I know, but it would have been SO HELPFUL! Second best to a second arm is a baby carrier/baby wrap. It has been our best friend! I started using the Solly baby wrap from day one home from the hospital and Mike uses it occasionally. It rings true for us that babies love them. Mo falls asleep most often when being worn. And I love having my hands and arms free.

After such success with the wrap I decided to get a ring sling. I wanted something that I could easily nurse in and the sling has been so good! I love the ease of putting it on and off. The Solly baby is so cute & comfortable and I love it when it’s on but it takes much more effort compared to the sling. But I love them both.

I have chosen wraps and slings over carriers like the ergo or bjorn because I prefer less bulk and admittedly prefer a simple streamline aesthetic. Both carriers I use have become second nature in our family and an excursion is not complete without one.

My number one favorite thing about babywearing is the confidence it gives me. Just like the right pair of shoes, jeans or bag, I find that when wearing my baby I have a unparalleled confidence that comes from this accessory.

Those are my thoughts on babywearing. Do you have any wraps, slings or carriers you love? Please share.

xx Ly

Comments are great! Would love to hear what you think! xx Ly